Thursday, March 22, 2012

So something that I never knew I really liked to do until I was married is cook. Probably because I've always had an amazing mom who always cooked us delicious meals from scratch. And don't even get me started on her desserts. She is so creative! So needless to say she has definitely influenced me over the years and one day I hope to be even close to how good of a cook she is! A reason I think I like cooking is because you can be so creative with it. So many different spices & so so many recipes. I love mixing recipes up and I love finding a " new treasure". It also helps tremendous that my husband is not picky, a great taste tester and loves to try new things. When they say food is a way to a mans heart- I think they were on to something : ) One of my quests with cooking is to make it yummy, but also healthy! Best combination right? So I thought I'd share with you two little treats that my husband has been loving lately! It's not a cooking type recipe so don't worry- it's a simple, quick and easy!  

Yogurt Bites
strawberry greek yogurt
 flax seed oil
wax paper
 I used strawberry greek yogurt & I put some flax seed oil in them to give them a little boost of fiber. You simply pour the yogurt into a zip lock bag (stir in flax seed oil before hand if you decide to use). You then cut a small corner off the bag in order to make a handy little pastry bag. Make a little dollop on a cookie sheet (with wax paper) then put in the freezer. Soon you'll be able to pop those little morsels of yum into your mouth. 

Banana bites
Dark chocolate
Peanut butter
Wax paper

Slice a banana into small sections then put a dollop of peanut butter on top of each banana slice. * You can use natural peanut butter or whatever kind you prefer. You then take melting chocolate- I used dark chocolate & dip them into the chocolate & place them on a cookie sheet (with wax paper). Prepare for messy fingers and banana bites that might not look perfect. Since I've only done this recipe a few times I have not yet been able to perfect the look of them. All I know is Tyler couldn't get enough of these! And the nice thing is because they are packed with flavor, 1 or 2 go a long way! 

 Enjoy : )

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